Modern and secure software to manage your estimates, work hours, tasks, customers...
Most important features of EstimateBID software:
Software is simple and easy to understand, with important details and features.
Your data is secured with SSL connection. We do daily backup of your database.
Software is tested by thousands of users. Additional, you have lifetime support.
Use the Software on your mobile phone, tablet or Desktop. From everywhere, anywhere.
Used are latest frameworks with modern design and proven technologies. System is upgraded all the time.
Sending accurate quotes and controlling your costs, you manage your business on right way.
EstimateBID software is designed to quickly create accurate Estimates, to track working hours, to control your business using Tasks and Reports.
Our Prices are created per Company. It means, you can access software from unlimited devices for same Price.
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You can run software from any device, only requirement is Internet connection. You can run the Software from Mobile Phone, Tablet or Desktop.